Making Change Comes Alive 17 May , 12:00 AM Singapore Register Now
Unpack the science to create a lasting change beyond the coaching session.
This webinar will help you appreciate how understanding the change process as a multidimensional creative process versus a linear process impacts how we facilitate change for ourselves and others and affect the change outcomes.
As much as we want change to happen for ourselves, creating a long-lasting change requires more than defining a set of actions, step one, step two, step three. There is more to deep, lasting change, for we are more than that!
As human beings, our actions, choices, and responses are based on a construct of ways of thinking, beliefs, values, intentions, and concerns, just to name a few.
Transformational change requires us to see and understand the different aspects of our current operations. Then based on this understanding, we can become choiceful in creating a new way of doing, thinking and feeling, leading to a new way of being.
What you can expect to learn from this webinar:
① We will draw upon the gestalt theory and the biopsychosocial model to illustrate the multilayer dimensions involved in the change process.
② We will provide an in-depth study on how our proprietary Awareness-Clarity-Choice Conversation integrates these dimensions to evoke greater clarity and understanding.