In 1998, various ICF committees were formed to address the development of standards, ethics, definition of coaching, and more. Hence, the ICF Portfolio Exam committee was created. At that time, they were faced with 2 pressing issues:
1) ICF needed to agree upon and finalize strong and clearly articulated competencies, and, 2) ICF needed to be clear that the competencies that were created truly represented coaching.
The Committee invited the heads of all of the existing coach training schools (eight visible at the time), to participate in this project. These schools were: Hudson Institute, Newfield, Coaches Training Institute, Coach U, Coach for Life, Success Unlimited Network, Academy of Coach Training and New Ventures West. For the next year (1999), they came together and through their various theoretical bases of coaching, they had co-created and finally all agreed on, the competencies that are the core of coaching as we know it today. It was the first big step in the growth of coaching.